Psalm 86 | “Help for the Day of Trouble, Part One”

[display_podcast] “Few of Days and Full of Trouble” The Bible, and our experience, teaches us that our lives are “few of days and full of trouble” (Job 14:1).  Jesus says that each day will bring “its own trouble” (Mt. 6:34).  As David Powlison says in his excellent book God’s Grace in Your Suffering, “God never establishes a no-fly zone keeping all problems away.  He never promises that your life will be safe, easy, peaceful, healthy, and prosperous.  On the contrary, you and I are certain to experience danger, hardship, [...]

By |2020-07-21T20:36:31-06:00July 7th, 2019|John Sypert, Psalms, Sermons|

Psalm 117 | “Praise the Lord, All Nations!”

[display_podcast] Who Is Lottie Moon? Charlotte Digges Moon was born on December 12, 1840 into a wealthy family who owned a tobacco plantation in Virginia.  “Lottie”, as she was called, was a small girl with a big heart.  She was only four feet, three inches tall, but she moved to China as a single woman in order to reach the unreached people of China with the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Lottie was raised in a Christian family, but was indifferent about following Jesus until she was a teenager.  But [...]

By |2020-07-21T20:39:30-06:00June 30th, 2019|John Sypert, Psalms, Sermons|

Psalm 101 | “What a Good King Does”

[display_podcast] A King’s Care What should a king care about?  What kinds of things should a king, president, or ruler be committed to?  Unfortunately, it’s often true that kings and presidents care about power and wealth and fame and personal achievement and public appreciation more than justice and righteousness and integrity and humility and personal virtue and serving others.  These are the things kings should care about, the kind of things they should sing about. King David, Israel’s most famous and important king, knew this.  He knew what a [...]

By |2020-07-28T17:53:40-06:00June 24th, 2018|John Sypert, Psalms, Sermons|
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