Genesis 2:8-17 | “Blessings and Boundaries, Part One”
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
In December, Christians remember, reflect on, and rejoice in the incarnation of Jesus Christ. The incarnation refers to when the Son of God, or the second Person of the Trinity, put on human flesh, or “took flesh to himself.” The apostle John describes it like this: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn. 1:14). And the apostle Paul: “In him (Jesus) the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily” (Col. 2:9). The Ligonier Statement on Christology summarizes this doctrine like this, “Truly God, he became truly man, [...]
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Martin Luther’s life is an excellent example of a life well-lived for the glory of God. But his death is also an excellent example of how to die well for the glory of God. Luther preached what would be his last sermon at his home church, the Castle Church in Wittenberg, on January 17, 1546. On the same day, he wrote to a friend, “I am writing, my James, as an old man, decrepit, sluggish, tired, cold, and now also one-eyed.” He wrote of the “highly deserved rest (as [...]
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.