Mark 15:16-32 | “Insult with Injury”
Sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
If the gospel is “the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Rom. 1:16), then we need to know what the gospel is if we want to be saved. Where do we go to find out what the gospel is? As the inspired and inerrant revelation of God, the Bible is where we must go to find the message that can save us. The gospel is not found in any one particular Bible verse. The gospel is rather the overarching story and point of the entire Bible. The [...]
Sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
One thing all Christians agree upon is that Jesus will come back one day. There is, however, much debate about when he will come back, specifically in reference to the Great Tribulation (Rev. 7:14). In this article, I will argue why I think that Jesus will come back after the Great Tribulation. The position I’m going to put forward is called “posttribulationalism” and it differs from the “pretribulational” position in one primary way. The pretribulational position says that Jesus returns before the tribulation to gather the church, but does so [...]