Romans 12:9-21 | The Church’s Life, Part 2
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Disappointment can be overwhelming. A bad grade on a test, being rejected, a loved one contracting a grave illness, more than just disappointment, some of these circumstances can be accompanied by grief. This is not to say all situations are the same, grave illness is undeniably more serious than a D- on an exam. Nonetheless, all disappointment feels all-consuming when we’re experiencing it. In this article, I’d like to address the idea of disappointment in the context of prayerful persistence, and how that relates to the goodness of God. [...]
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
As our country approaches a national election, many will (and should) look carefully at the party platform of the candidate they intend to vote for before they cast their vote (here are links to the two major party platforms: Democrat Party, Republican Party). Christians will read these platforms and come to different conclusions about which is more important, or which lines up better with what they believe. This is understandable and inevitable, as our individual experiences and beliefs shape the way we think about public policies. What Christians must [...]