About John Sypert

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So far John Sypert has created 582 blog entries.

Four Reasons Why Pastors Should Take a Sabbatical

Over the next two months I will be taking a sabbatical.  Some may wonder what this is and why churches do this for their pastors.  First, a sabbatical, broadly defined, is a time when a pastor draws back from his regular responsibilities for the purpose of rest and renewal.  There are no commands in Scripture that tell churches and pastors to do this.  Sabbaticals are thus a matter of prudence, not obedience.  Despite no clear commands in Scripture for pastors to take a sabbatical, in this article, I’d like [...]

By |2021-07-01T13:46:05-06:00July 1st, 2021|John Sypert, Newsletter|

The Good Gift of Conscience

Every human, and only humans, have a conscience.  Animals don’t have consciences because they don’t have the capacity for moral judgment.  Only humans have this capacity because only humans are made in the image of God.  Our consciences feel like an independent, third party watching over our lives.  This is because all humans know intuitively that God exists (Rom. 1:19-20) and all humans have an imperfect-but-accurate version of God’s law written on their hearts (2:14-16).  Verse 16 makes the connection between our intuitive knowledge of God and our intuitive [...]

By |2021-05-29T13:14:24-06:00June 1st, 2021|John Sypert, Newsletter|
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