Genesis 4 | “The Battle Begins”
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
In Genesis 4, Cain and Abel each bring an offering to God. God accepts Abel’s offering but rejects Cain’s. Why does God accept one and reject the other? Because, with a heart full of faith (Heb. 11:4), Abel brought the best of what he had to the Lord. Abel’s attitude was, “Because God is what’s most important to me, I want to give him the best of what I have.” So he brought the firstborn and the fat portions, and “the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering” [...]
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
John 17 is one of the richest and most profound chapters in the Bible. It is often called Jesus’ “High Priestly Prayer” because it contains Jesus’ prayer for his people. Verse 9, “I am praying for them. I am not praying for the world but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours.” Jesus’ longest recorded prayer in the Bible is for us. This is amazing. The profundity of John 17 is also in that Jesus gives us a peak behind the curtain into some of [...]
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.
Sunday morning sermon audio from Preston Highlands Baptist Church.