Peter exhorts pastors to “shepherd the flock of God that is among you” (1 Pet. 5:1-2). The “flock” that God called me to be among are the saints at Preston Highlands Baptist Church and it has been an honor to serve among them over the last ten years. Through the men and women that make up PHBC, the Lord has taught me many things. Here are ten of them:

First, God is good and faithful and wise. In his goodness, he’s given me the opportunity to proclaim his word and shepherd his people. In his faithfulness, he’s sustained our church through every season. And in his wisdom, he knew that PHBC was where me and my family needed to put down roots. He always knows what he’s doing.

Second, the word of God is living and active and sufficient for every good work. It is amazing to preach his word and then watch over months and years how he uses it to grow and nourish his people. The word of God truly does the work of God.

Third, I could not do what I do without Suzy. She is a gift of God’s grace to me, praying, helping, encouraging, counseling, teaching, and challenging me to be the man God has called me to be. Where, or who, would I be without her?

Fourth, watching my children grow up at PHBC is a joy. They have often been the only kids their age, but the way they adapt and enter new spaces is a testament to their strength. And having so many other godly parents and kids around them, teaching and encouraging them, is a great help and blessing to Suzy and I.

Fifth, godly friends inside and outside the church have spurred me on to love and good works (Heb. 10:24). Walking through life with faithful brothers has literally changed my life.

Sixth, preaching God’s word almost every week is more rewarding and challenging than I would have thought. Preaching regularly keeps me hungry and growing but can sometimes be draining to my soul. It is a labor of love. I still can’t believe that the Lord called someone with speech impediments and tons of fear to bring his word to his people.

Seventh, serving with other elders has grown and sanctified me in ways impossible to quantify. The men who have served with me as elders have helped me see what I can’t see, know what I don’t know, and have brought the gospel to bear on my life even as I seek to bring it to bear on the life of our church. These brothers have been God’ gift to our church.

Eighth, a philosophy of ministry built on the belief in the sufficiency of God’s word is incredibly freeing and practically useful. Letting God’s word set the agenda for who we are and what we do means our church is not dependent on me and my ideas. That is a wonderful thing! It has also been amazing to see how practically relevant the Bible is to everything I do as a pastor, whether it’s praying, managing my time, leading meetings, counseling, discipling, or caring for hurting people. God’s word is full of wisdom that applies to every area of life. Knowing this is one thing, but after ten years of seeing this principle at work in my ministry increases my faith that the Scriptures truly are “breathed out by God” and “profitable…for the man of God…equipping him for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16-17).

Ninth, I don’t think my prayer life would be what it is if I weren’t a pastor. It’s good when God puts things in front of us that are too big or complicated or scary for us to do on our own because it pushes us to him. Prayer has sustained me and kept me going when my flesh didn’t want to.

And tenth, singing with the church has become arguably my favorite 15-20 minutes of the week. I had no idea that congregational singing would buoy my soul, kindle my heart, and strengthen my faith the way it has. I love singing with you!

God has been kind to allow Suzy and I to serve among you for these ten years. We are grateful for how you encourage and care for us and our family. May God continue the good work he started in us and bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ (Phil. 1:6)!

Gratefully Yours,

Pastor John